Help Make Bellepoint Day a Success!

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Bellepoint Day is fast approaching (June 6th). for those who do not know what Bellepoint Day is, every team plays at home that day and we have special events going on throughout the day in addition to the games.

We are asking each team to donate TWO items for the silent auction. Items can be collected and put together in a bag or package or a parent can collect money from the parents of the team and purchase an item or items to donate from the team. You can be as creative as you like. PLEASE SEE BELOW REGARDING DEADLINE FOR ITEMS.

Terri Yates will be sending out a Sign Up Genuis for working Bellepoint Day. Each team should have 2 parents already assigned to work in the concession stand that day during your child’s game (as we always do) but we will need additional parents to help with the bake sale table, serving lunches and possibly manning the grills.

We also need parents to donate items for the bake sale. Please package items individually for sale. Also, if there are nuts in any item, please make sure that you label the items.

Bellepoint Day deadlines

Silent auction items need to be turned in no later than Thursday, June 4th. Please drop off the items in a bag for marked For Tara Shumate on it and your coaches name and leave it in the concession stand. There will be a shelf marked for silent auction items. Tara will stop by Bellepoint each evening to pick up items.

If you have questions, please email Tara at If you are dropping off an item at the concession stand, email her as well with the name of the team, that you are dropping it off in the concession stand and the item or item package that you are donating and a dollar amount for the value. She will need time to type up the bidding sheets. You can use the donation letter below to denote these items as well.

Donation Letter

As a member of the Bellepoint Board, I would like to thank you in advance for all that you do and for helping us make this day a success


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